- You are an in-house counsel not a public notary. You have to walk hand-in-hand with
business guys not just advise about the legal/regulatory risks for them to
assume the burden.
- Your
starting point should be in favor of the business requests (unless they are
proposing absolutely crazy things…) In case we are not sure, it´s better to say
to balance the Pareto principle to 50-50.
sense works awfully well. Trust it!
advantage of your background as opposite of being stuck in pure theory.
Potentially any issue that drops in your inbox may pose legal problems but
-based on your experience- how many times real problems arise? How often did we
warn about legal concerns that never appeared at the end? Actually, what
happens is that the difficulties you finally have to face are the ones you did
not foresee.
what lawyers in top companies would do in this case or what kind of answer would
you expect from your legal counsel if you were the CEO.
is much better to get wrong by saying GO AHEAD or because you reply quickly
than advising not to do it to avoid problems (for you) or unduly delay your
reply. When providing legal advice you always have to focus on company´s benefit
and forget our personal interest.
minor issues it is not necessary to involve the majority of the legal team to
be sure that everything is covered (or to “share responsibilities”…). It just
delays the answer and does not necessarily add real value. Again common sense
is the key.
up to date to what it is happening in the market, test new services and
products, understand your company´s strategy, follow the industry leaders... It
is impossible to provide creative and disruptive legal solutions without
understanding the environment.
economy is constantly evolving. Don´t pretend that lawyers can stay away from
the game.
Some rights reserved by charlesdyer
- You must be constantly asking yourself questions like am I sure that I am doing my
best? May I collaborate in a more efficient way with the team? How can I add
more value? Is there any internal process that may be simplified? Many times we
blame others but the problem is inside. Be the change you want to see in the
the most important one: HAVE FUN while working. Otherwise, it is not worth it.